W22 Newsletter – References / Further Reading

Berry, J., & Savarese, M. (2012). 2012 Directory of U.S. Faculty Contracts and Bargaining Agents in Institutions of Higher Education. 125.

Cain, T. R. (2017). Campus Unions: Organized Faculty and Graduate Students in U.S. Higher Education, ASHE Higher Education Report. John Wiley & Sons.

Cain, T. R., & Leach, E. A. (2021). Removing Faculty: Patterns and Processes of Retrenchment and Restructuring. AERA Open, 7, 23328584211058470. https://doi.org/10.1177/23328584211058472  

Dominguez-Villegas, R., Smith-Doerr, L., Renski, H., & Sekarasih, L. (2020). Labor Unions and Equal Pay for Faculty: A Longitudinal Study of Gender Pay Gaps in a Unionized Institutional Context. Journal of Collective Bargaining in the Academy, 11(1). https://thekeep.eiu.edu/jcba/vol11/iss1/2

Douglas-Gabriel, D. (2022). Colleges lost 465,000 students this fall. The continued erosion of enrollment is raising alarm. Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2022/01/13/fall-college-enrollment/

Flaherty, C. (2021, August 20). When to Go Remote. Inside Higher Ed. https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2021/08/20/faculty-and-administration-decide-when-go-remote

Haaf, S. (2021). Universities see decrease in tenured faculty members. BG Falcon Media. https://www.bgfalconmedia.com/news/universities-see-decrease-in-tenured-faculty-members/article_6459c020-a45c-11eb-b6e6-df95fedb601a.html

Herbert, W. A., & Apkarian, J. (2017). Everything Passes, Everything Changes. HIGHER EDUCATION, 6.

Herbert, W. A., Apkarian, J., & van der Naald, J. (2020). 2020 Supplementary Directory of New Bargaining Agents and Contracts in Institutions of Higher Education, 2013-2019. SSRN Electronic Journal. https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3731420

Johnson, E., & Patel, V. (2020, August 20). How Covid-19 United the Higher-Ed Work Force. The Chronicle of Higher Education. https://www.chronicle.com/article/how-covid-19-united-the-higher-ed-work-force

June. (2021, June 10). Spring Enrollment’s Final Count Is In. Colleges Lost 600,000 Students. The Chronicle of Higher Education. https://www.chronicle.com/article/spring-enrollments-final-count-is-in-colleges-lost-600-000-students

LeClair, M. S. (2021, June 15). For College Finances, There’s No ‘Return to Normal.’ The Chronicle of Higher Education. https://www.chronicle.com/article/for-college-finances-theres-no-return-to-normal

Malesic, J. (2022). The End of Burnout: Why Work Drains Us and How to Build Better Lives. University of California Press.

Matthiesen, S. (2016, August 26). Academic Work Is Labor, Not Romance. The Chronicle of Higher Education. https://www.chronicle.com/article/academic-work-is-labor-not-romance/

Rhoades, G. (1998). Managed Professionals: Unionized Faculty and Restructuring Academic Labor. SUNY Press.