UFE and TESC Voting Stats (2008-2020)

Compare below the total number of UFE votes to the total number of votes taken at faculty meetings on significant issues over the last decade. See the list of examples below.

2019 CBA Reopener: On May 22, 2019, the UFE membership and the TESC management (in behalf of the BOT) ratified the 2019-21 CBA Re-opener Agreement (TA). The vote count was 86Y/3N (89 total; 3 votes were submitted after the voting deadline & not included in this total). In sum, 89 voters represented a UFE ratification turnout of 74%.

2018-2021 CBA Ratification Vote:  62Y/8N (70 total). On June 14, 2018, the UFE membership and the Board of Trustees ratified the 2018-2021 Collective Bargaining Agreement. Under the UFE bylaws, agreements were ratified by a majority of those members voting. The results of the vote were as follows: 62 yes votes; 8 no votes; 70 votes total (89% yes to 11% no). Voter turnout was 55%.

2016 Representation Fee:  81Y/20N (101 total). The UFE membership turned out in strong numbers to vote on the representation fee in May 2016. The final vote tally was 81 yes, 20 no, for a total of 101 votes. Voter turnout was 71%.


  • Faculty Hiring Priorities Process (Standing Committee on the Curriculum proposal) failed with a vote of 26Y/10N/11A (47 votes total). “With 47 voting members present, the vote tally was 26 in favor, 10 opposed, and 11 abstaining. Because the percentage of affirmative votes did not meet the level necessary for passage, the motion was defeated.” – from the May 8, 2019 Faculty Meeting Minutes.
  • First Year Experience (FYE) proposal: passed with a vote of 50Y/2N/0A (52 votes total).  “As the subject of a major vote, the motion required a second discussion and, for passage, affirmative votes from at least 66 percent of the eligible voters present. With 52 voting members present, the motion passed with a vote of 50 in favor, 2 against, and 0 abstaining. The effect of this vote is to clear the way for a limited phase-in of the new FYE curriculum beginning in Fall 2019, which will inform a full implementation beginning in Fall 2020.” – from the March 13, 2019 Faculty Meeting Minutes.
  • Test Optional Admissions to Evergreen  passed by a vote of 59Y/0N/0A (59 votes total) on January 16, 2019 
  • First Year Experience Learning Goals – Proposal passed by a vote of 58Y/4N/5A (67 votes total) on May 9, 2018.
  • Long Range Curriculum DTF proposals (January 15, 2014)
    • 48 ILC credit limit: passed with 59Y/3N/1A (63 votes total)
    • Prerequisites before ILC or INT:  passed with 46Y/15N/2A (63 votes total)
    • ILC/INT deadline Friday of Week 10 of prior quarter: passed with 43Y/19N/2A (64 total)

Source: Faculty Meeting Minutes January 15, 2014 at the following link: http://evergreen.edu/provost/docs/facmins/20140115%20Faculty%20Meeting%20Minutes%20–%20FINAL.pdf

  • Planning Unit Coordinator DTF:  Please note that there were no numbers on the Planning Unit Coordinators (PUC) DTF vote in May 2014 because the minutes said that the final proposal was passed by a voice vote “with the vast majority voting in favor, no voting to oppose, and a small number of faculty indicating they were abstaining.” There was no record in the faculty meeting minutes of how many people attended that meeting.

Planning Unit Coordinator DTF – PUC DTF members Anne Fischel and Greg Mullins provided an overview of the DTF’s work and the final proposal that was first put before the faculty for discussion at the May 5, 2014 Faculty Meeting. The floor was open for continued discussion on the proposal. A voice vote was taken to end discussion. It was followed by a voice vote of the proposal as a whole, which passed with the vast majority voting in favor, no voting to oppose, and a small number of faculty indicating they were abstaining. http://evergreen.edu/provost/docs/facmins/20140604%20Faculty%20Meeting%20Minutes%20-%20FINAL.pdf