UFE Bargaining Team Reaches Tentative Agreement June 1, 2012

The Tentative Agreement (TA) reached by the UFE Bargaining Team has been unanimously recommended by the Bargaining Team, the Coordinating Committee, and the Stewards Council. on June,1, 2012  The ratification process included a series of meetings in which the Bargaining Team presented the TA to the Membership (Wednesday, June 6, 2012), and at All Faculty Forums. Members voted by paper ballot during the voting period, June 6 – June 13.  Below you will find critical links and dates relating to the Tentative Agreement:

Digest of the Draft of the Tentative Agreement (revised June 5)– summarizes draft changes to the existing CBA
Draft of the Tentative Agreement — please review in advance of the Membership Meeting on Wed, June 6.